Thursday 4 November 2010

Film fogging

There was minor miss hap when testing the film and camera. Because the camera I was using was new to me, and actually new, and had very little use, so all of the cogs and mechanisms where stiff, this lead to me fogging my film, as when loading the film holder into the back plate of the camera, I took great care to not break it and slid the film holder to the point at which I thought to be secure in the camera. This was in fact untrue, as it was needed to be clipped into place, so from this there was a minute gap (literally a millimetre or 2) where the ambient light could leak into the bellows and fog my film. But this was a simple mistake which I found out relatively early during the project, so this didn’t lead to any major dilemmas or disasters.

It is due to little errors like this from which I have learned so much, these areas often derive from my passion for the medium and analogue processes and so I rush into things with excitement and trip myself up from time to time, but in the long run it all helps and has lead me to where I am today.

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