Thursday 28 October 2010

Final Flyer Edits Agreed on by CROWD.

I designed these images on photoscape editing suite.

I filled in an image with white and then added the text and changed the font.

After that I added a film affect that there were 7 different types to chose from.

The Words were taken from everyday sayings that incorporate the word crowd I just adapted it as a question.

These will be printed at Granthams at A6 in bundles of 100 for each flyer.

We have been quoted £4 per bundle.

Total Cost £16

Number 1.
Number 2.

Number 3.

Number 4.

1 comment:

  1. i am really happy with the results of the flyers. this did take some considerable time to find all the different designs, and there was some deliberation to some of the fonts. but this proved to be a bit of fun as well. and i also feel that the price is very reasonable, especially when at granthems you can usually get things printed there and then.
