Saturday 20 November 2010

Next Shoot - Bolton.

I have chosen to return back home to Manchester for a few days to give me a number of nights to go out and photograph a selection of locations.
Unlike the Manchester and Preston shoots, I had no real idea prior to going out with the camera as to a specific location that would be successful; so in someways me and my dad just went out in the car and explored areas of the Penines close to built up areas to try and find suitable viewpoints.
Our first thought was to ascend the hilly roads in the area close to Oldham as this would take us across towards Sheffield and Huddersfield. However, when we were rising up away from Oldham we couldnt help but notice the view that we were leaving behind us; another amazing view over Manchester like that found from Winter Hill. Obviously I could not photograph this scene again as although it would be from a different angle it would essentially be the same as the images I had already captured. However, Winter Hill is situated close to Bolton, another large built up area, but one that I couldnt properly photograph that site. With this new location near Oldham being on the other side of the area however, it gave me the option of documenting Bolton, and thus I chose to do so. Below are a few of the images taken from this location;

This first image was one that I took with the idea in my mind of having the images the same as those which went before; featureless other than the sky. Yes, this does the job which had intended but I then felt there was something more that could be done.

Unlike any of the other images that I have taken at other locations, I have purposefully chosen to include a man made structure within the frame; the TV mast located on the top of Winter Hill. I chose to do this as I feel that although it is only a very small part of the frame it does add an interesting focal point that would be noticed by the viewer, but will not take away from the original meaning of the images.

This image is another that features the TV mast, however unlike the previous example i have chosen to zoom out and thus make the mast smaller within the frame and allow for more of the sky and clouds to be shown. I feel that once cropped, this image would be the most suitable of all those taken depicting Bolton; I feel that it will stand out next to the other images within the exhibition because of the subtle inclusion of the mast of lights.

After shooting this series of images, we continued over the hills towards West Yorkshire, however the weather conditions deteriorated and mist began to form which obstructed my view. Because of this we had to abandon our photographing for the evening.
Although I did not achieve what I had originally set out to achieve on this evening by photographing one of the Yorkshire areas, I feel that the evening was successful as it allowed me to document an area that I had not thought was possible before; and managed to take an image that I feel will be a strong example for the final exhibition.

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