Monday 22 November 2010

My thoughts after the shoot.

I have just got home and started to upload the digital side of the shoot.
I am very pleased with the results so far and throughout the shoot I remained on schedule.
Though I am pleased I have to admit some of the models were better than others, with regards to performance. Though in a way the images are still a representation of them, though I will be choosing which ones represent them in the exhibition. So my control will be a factor.
More than anything I found this shoot inspiring and it has made me look at how I want to develop as a photographer. By this I mean by using moving image alongside stills.
I did have a sneaky peek at some of the screen tests in between models arriving and I can definately see where I can develop this idea and after the exhibition I will be having a really good think on how to develop this idea and how I can style it so it will have a bigger impact and also have my own aesthetic stamp on it.

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