Wednesday 17 November 2010

Proposal to Tutor

Below is the Proposal that I have had to send to my tutor, Ines Rae. It covers the aims which I wish to achieve within the project.

"Within assignment one I outlined that I wished to further my photographic practice after graduation by aiming to produce work for exhibitions which could then go on to be sold. Another aim is to produce work that stands out from crowd, and is individual and original; this can be done both through image content and through the methods of exhibition. Taking these ideas one step further into assignment two, I feel that it would be a perfect opportunity to set myself a brief to which I put together an exhibition of my work and promote it in such a way to attract members of the public, fellow students and individuals within the photographic industry. By choosing to do this, I will develop both my own personal photographic practice, along with the ability to build contacts.
Once I made the decision to aim towards an exhibition, I spoke to a couple of other students on the course and we chose to work towards a joint exhibition. We have come to the conclusion that we will produce our own projects and images for the exhibition, but by working towards a joint exhibition it will enable us to hopefully create a better overall exhibition space, and we will be able to attract a greater number of people. We must together to find locations that would offer an appropriate exhibition space, and once this is done and we have a set time and date, we must begin to produce flyers and posters and then send invitations to any contacts that we wish to attend the exhibition.
In terms of my own project for the exhibition, I would like to further on from what was said within assignment one; to produce an original set of images and possibly consider displaying them in an alternative manner other than simply mounting the images within a frame.
The subject matter of my project will be in within the genre of documentary / fine art, and I have selected to follow up an idea that I thought of last year; to photograph the colours and glow of the light pollution emitted from different cities around the country. I produced a test shot of this same idea last year of Manchester and I really liked the result. The image was rather abstract as it simply showed the sky, but in directly it is still a document of the city.
Therefore, for this brief I wish to produce images based upon this idea of several cities, each of which will produce a different looking abstract piece of documentary / art photography. I feel that once produced, and exhibited interestingly this could work out to be a perfect example of what it is I aim to work towards once graduated.
In regards to the costing of the project, I feel that there are aspects that I cannot give a cost to yet such as the exhibition method and materials as I would like to experiment with how to display the work. Therefore, it is impossible to state how much the exhibition materials would be if I do not know fully how I am going to exhibit the work. The costs of the room, flyers etc are stated below, however these prices would be split between the three of us.

Potential Costs (approx):

Room Hire for exhibition - £100
Flyers to promote exhibition - £16
Posters to promote exhibition - £20
Formal invitations for clients - £20
Snacks / Drinks for exhibition - £30"

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