This venue is situated in a great location with regards to the park as a surround, though this could be a hinderance as the location is out of the way for people to come and see the exhibition. Also on a personal note I didn't gel with this location I found it bland and static. It had no peronality or quirkness to it. I also didn't like that there was nobody at the enquiry desk and the staff that we did ask just fobbed us off. I feel this would be a sign of things to come. Though putting that aside the venue has too many negatives for me. If I was to use it as a venue I think it could only work in the summer time, so to get people to attend.
this i feel is a very beautiful location, but a major letdown is that it is situated away from the town center. also the fact that people we all ready know have had work displayed here is rather off putting, as we wish to do something different, so that we can set ourselves and our work away from that of others. this i feel is a shame, but this is what we all want to achieve, and as long as we do that i shall be happy.