Saturday, 4 December 2010


Now that I have my images, and we have a place to hold the exhibition I must begin to think about how exactly I will display the images.
As i said earlier in the Blog I definately like the idea of creating some sort of lightbox to display my work upon as I feel that this would give the images an extra dimention as the glow created would compliment the glow that I have photographed.
My first idea was to build my own light boxes as then I could have them at the exact size I want;
The link above is for a website that helps show how to make your own light box relitively simply. However, I do not feel that this would be really viable in the timescale that remains before the exhibition and I feel that there would be a much simpler alternative.

The next thing that I must consider is the printing of the images in such a way that would work well when backlit on the likes of a lightbox. After doing some research it seems that images are printed on a type of plastic which when lit from behind will create a glowing image unlike anythin else.  Below are two companies that offer the service of printing images upon plastic to be displayed with light;

I was considering using one of these companies to print my images, but then whilst visiting Farnell Printing Lab in Lancaster to get some traditional paper prints made, I enquired about this form of printing and they said that they also did this. Once I knew this I requested their prices;

"Here are the prices you requested for printing on clear film.
    16x12   £14.00+vat
    20x16   £15.60+vat
    20x24   £18.80+vat
    30x20   £29.00+vat  "

Once I recieved the prices I had to decide upon what size to get my images printed, and I have chosen the 20x16 option, although with my images being square, they will actually be 16x16. I have chosen this size as I feel that they will create quite an impact when displayed side by side, and hopefully once lit properly they will create an interesting visual display.

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