Monday 18 October 2010

Bathtub IV

Above is a spectacular find. I simply typed “tilt and shift” into the website and this was the second video of the search result, and I was totally blown away by it. It is simply a time laps of hundreds of images that have been taken using a digital stills camera, but also incorporating the use of tilt and shift, to create a miniature effect video. So much so this video upon first glance wouldn’t look out of place on children’s television. I found it rather moving. This set of images has been put together to create great narrative. In this case, being the rescue of the fisherman at sea.

This has even made me consider attempting such practice, but unfortunately it wouldn’t be possible, as I do not have the money to buy, or even hire such a specialized piece of equipment, this being the lens of the camera with moveable elements to create the tilt and shift effect. Also I was to attempt this, it would go against my usual methodology on only photographing using analogue photographic techniques, and this is something I wish to stick to. As I have stated many times, that despite the fact I have to put so much more effort and time than shooting digital, I feel the benefits out weigh the negatives. Also I have heard so many people say that ‘film is dead’ and this I feel to be totally untrue, so I wish to use my work and methodologies to prove them otherwise. But despite all this I still feel that this video as highly influential, if not this, highly amusing.

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