Wednesday 20 October 2010

Manchester Shoot

As I said earlier in the blog, I had already done a test shoot at the location where I would document the glow of Manchester. Therefore there was no problem in revisiting the site and doing it again; below are a small number of the images that I shot on my second visit to the location. I have chosen these particular images as they highlight the good and bad points of the shoot.

The image above shows how I have to resort to using an extended shutter speed to achieve my desired effect. when i have chosen my best image, and if it were to contain any ground within it i will crop it so that it is just sky within the frame. i have chosen to do this for 2 reasons, one is because it would be rather hard to capture the individual lights sharply and secondly because I like the abstract feel of having simply the colours of the sky.

I prefer the image above over the first image alot. once cropped i feel that it could be the best example from the Manchester shoot. I feel this because I like the inclusion of the slight cloud cover; this adds something more to the image but doesnt take away from the general intent of the idea.

The image above is more like that which I took for the test shoot last year, as it features a mostly clear sky. As much as this still works well, I do prefer the previous image; this is because it will make it stand out and be individual compared to the images of other cities as this is something I really dont want to happen; all the images looking the same.

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