Wednesday 20 October 2010

Emails to Julie Hardy to arrange a telephone meeting.

Moira Ellen Sprunt 19/10/2010 14:03

Hi Julie

Myself and two other third year photography students are wanting to hold an exhibition for a client brief, and I was informed by a former fashion student that they used an empty shop in the Miller Arcade in Preston last year for an exhibition.
I was told that you were the person to contact regarding the possibility of using an empty unit.
Could you please help us in anyway?

Many Thanks


Julie Hardy 19/10/10 5:50 PM

Hi Moira,

The response to this is a bit complex, so I think the best thing that you can do is to call me on the number below. I will be out of the office tomorrow, but back in on Thursday.

Best wishes,


Julie Hardy
Senior Fellow Employability & Enterprise
Extension: 5955

Moira Ellen Sprunt Wednesday - October 20, 2010 2:06 PM

Hi Julie

I will ring you tomorrow afternoon, as I'm in Lancaster in the morning.
Thanks for getting back to me.


1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately we are not going to be able to use the Miller Arcade as it is in the process of changing ownwers.
