Friday 15 October 2010

Location 7: Revolution Vodka Bar, Preston.

This venue is totally unsuitable for the exhibition and here are my reasons. No wall space, no areas to have free standing images and the decor and furniture was bland and very little seating. I am not a particular fan of this bar to be honest and the function room did not change my mind. This venue is a definate no for me.


  1. I was rather let down by this option. At first it seemed have potential seeing as it is in a bar and therefore would create a good atmospere, however there is literally no wall space. therefore it is in my opinion a definate no.

  2. at first this location did seam like a good idea but it is clearly evident that it isnt, there is hardly, if any space to display work. if this wasnt the case it would be very suitable indeed. this i feel is a great shame as i feel there could have been a great night held here.
