Saturday 23 October 2010

Preston Sky Shoot

Although Preston is a considerably smaller city than the likes of Manchester of Birmingham, I still feel that it is worth trying to photograph the glow that is generated by its lights.
There were several options of where to photograph from, these included the area close to Winter Hill, as from that high vantage point you can look over Preston as well as Manchester as previously stated. However, due to Preston being smaller than Manchester, I felt that this option would be too far away from the city to do it justice, therefore I aimed to find a different location.
I did have another location in mind, that being an area that I would pass through on the way in and out of Preston through Penwortham.

The map above shows the location that I have chosen to photograph from, from this raised viewpoint the centre of Preston can be seen clearly and I feel is an ideal place to photograph from.
Once I chose this location, I made a trip there to do a test shoot, but soon realised that it may not be suitable after all as there was not enough light being generated to create a successful image. However, I then realised that Preston North End were to be playing a football match during an evening, and due to this the floodlights of Deepdale would be on, and I knew from past experience that these produced a large glow that could be seen from a distance. Which this in mind, I chose to go back and photograph the scene again on that evening so to capture the glow from the football ground.

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