Friday 15 October 2010

Location 1. Old Lockup - Hope Street, Preston

I have photographed this building numerous times as it has a great look. This building would be amazing to use for an exhibition and my imagination runs away just thinking what it could look like. Though there were no details of an estate agent so we couldnt find out if the building could be used? Though it is a beautiful building there is smashed glass and it is boarded up, which leads me to assume that it may not be safe for use. Saying all this though I would love to have a look inside as this building has such a beautiful mystery to it.


  1. I have liked this building for a long time due to its old dirty look. I feel that it would be a really interesting location for an exhibition due to it being unconventional, the location itself would be as much of a talking point by viewers as the work on show.
    the downsides however would be finding out who to contact about using the space, but also the condition of the building inside as there would be no electricity etc.

  2. I have walked past this street on many occasions and have never realy noticed it. But i do think that there are some good points to this location. i love the general look. the old worn down look is very appealing as the insides are unknown and so there is an element of mystery wich i find alluring. but this is also a major problem as the integrity of the structure is unknown so it is unknown if it is safe, also as nathan has mentioned there is no electreic (presumably) this could be rectified by using a generator, but this then would create a very uinpleasent atmosphere if there was a show, because of the fues of fuel and the loud noise it would make.
