Monday 18 October 2010

Initial Project Idea

For this project I have decided to follow on from an idea which I had during last years "Photography and the city" module. During my open brief for the module, i was trying to think of different original and interesting ideas that would help represent the city, in such a way that was different to how it is usually viewed.
One of my ideas, which i then chose not to continue was that of photographing the light pollution created by cities such as Manchester. Below is a test shot that I carried out during the module whilst considering what to do.

At the time, I really liked this idea as I feel that the image itself is visually appealing, and also successfully shows an aspect of the depicted city in a way that is different from convention. Even though there isnt a single building of the city shown, the image in essence still shows the city, as the patterns of light would be different for each city, and if it was not for the buildings that make up the area this glow would not exist.
However, when I came up with this idea I had the vision of photographing several different cities; Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, London etc. I felt that each image would be individual and when displayed together, the viewer would be able to appreciate the differences and similarities and i feel their simple yet intriguing appearance would create quite an impression.
This idea of photographing different cities created a problem; the logistics of realistically travelling around the country to take the shots. The main difficulty would be finding a suitable location, as it would not be suitable to simply travel to a certain city and photograph the sky, the image would have to be taken from outside the city from a viewpoint that looked over the area. 
At the time of the project last year, I did not have the means of traveling around the country to do the project, so reluctantly I chose to move onto a different idea.
However, my circumstances have now changed and it is a viable option to go to the various areas to produce the images, and because of this I have chosen to do the idea for this brief. I feel that the resulting images would be ideal for our joint exhibition, and they are a good example of how I try and aim to produce original and (hopefully) interesting images.

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