Wednesday 20 October 2010


Seeing as this project is aiming to help us gain new contacts and clients, i have thought that to get as many people as possible to come and see the exhibition, it could be a good idea to actually do two exhibitions rather than one. by having a second exhibition in Manchester it would allow people from that area to see the exhibition too. this is because i feel that there would be people interested in coming, but would not travel to Preston to see it, therefore by having 2 it would open it up to a much bigger audience.
with this in mind, me and Lewis took a trip to manchester to scope out possible locations (moira couldnt come with us as she had plans).

1 comment:

  1. Looking for locations in Manchester is a great idea as it broadens our horizons and helps us find more contacts. Preston is quite limited with regards to galleries. I unfortunately couldn't take part in this trip as I was arranging a meeting with the new britannia and taking calls from potential model for my piece of work.
